Explanation Fee Information
Faculty Members and Staff 500 TL
Teachers 400 TL
Postgraduate Students 300 TL
Audience Participation Fee 200 TL
Online Presentation 400 TL

An author can attend the congress with a maximum of two papers.

The second paper submission fee is 200 TL.

For co-authored studies, each participant who will personally attend the congress must pay a registration fee. The second paper submission fee is 200 TL.

A "CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION" will be given only to those who pay the registration fee and register and make their presentations.

Congress registration fee; It includes participation in congress sessions and oral presentation, certificate of participation, publication of the presented paper in abstract papers or full-text books with ISBN, and no refund is made in case of cancellation of the congress participation registration after the congress program is published.

For the congress registration fee payment, IBAN information will be sent to the e-mail addresses of the authors together with the paper acceptance letters. The receipt for the payment should be sent to usbk@bayburt.edu.tr via e-mail.

Researchers from stakeholder universities and congress committees will not be charged.